Perimeter/Area Anchor Chart

Just a quick little post to share an anchor chart I made to help my students visualize the difference between area and perimeter.

Visit {Deb} to see other awesome anchor charts (and add your own). She also has a great freebie this week!


  1. I might have to steal this! I'm re-teaching area and perimeter with my 4th and 5th graders.
    Thanks for the idea!
    The Disneyfied Teacher

  2. Love it. I have been trying to reinforce these concepts all year when we gather on the carpet. Sometimes we sit on the perimeter of the carpet for a lesson (facing the middle) and other times we sit on our area spot (we cover the inside space). Hopefully they will hold on to these concepts until they get to grade 5. Thanks for the great idea!

  3. How cool, Diane! I love this visual! I'm going to show it to my daughter- she often gets these two terms confused. Thank you for linking up, too!

  4. Love this! It's a great visual to show the difference of the two concepts!


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