Week in Review - 8/29

This week was the last week of reviewing skills and doing the last bit of beginning-of-the-year stuff before we dig into some new content next week. I feel that I'm struggling every day to keep up with my new district's expectations and procedures, ie. entering kids into the Wonders site, scheduling this and filling out that. I'm absolutely exhausted every night. Hopefully, settling into some sort of a routine is right around the corner...

This week we set up our Reading INBs. One of my coworkers read Reading in the Wild this summer (I STILL haven't had time to read this), and she shared with us how she did reading notebooks. I decided to set mine up in a similar fashion, but instead of doing a section for reading letters (I have to use Wonders a lot this year - long story), I'm going to use the last section (Resources) for Erin's {interactive literature notebook}.

We did the lesson about genre on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I took the opportunity to introduce brag tags and the {genre tags} which they could earn.

We also did our first lesson of the Walking Classroom on Wednesday morning. There is a nice gravel track near the playground, and it will be perfect for the WC. Most of the kids enjoyed it and were disgusted by the amount of calories in some of their favorite foods. They are looking forward to next Wednesday to start the actual lessons.

We started each day with four problems from Elizabeth's {Math Moves}. It's the perfect little amount to get students thinking about math each day. We go through them together after they've had a chance to try them, and I told them that they would be able to use the sheet for Friday's test (unless they are the same problems - haven't looked that far ahead yet...)

We have also been using Jen's {Math Concept Posters} for the four basic operations. This is hard for them, especially explaining it in words. Lots of frustration, but it's good to force them to think ;)

Mid-week, we did an {operation key word sort} that also proved to be challenging, but in a good way. Students had to work together to identify which story problem key words meant which type of operation. Some good conversation was had.

Sigh. I get to teach social studies only twice a week. That will take a while for me to deal with. Anyway. I created a geography lap book to go along with chapter 1 of Social Studies Alive! America's Past. It's just a quick review of hemispheres and landforms and physical features and such. It's not quite TpT-ready, so be on the lookout. Hopefully sometime this weekend.

From Amazon:
Bradley Chalkers IS the oldest kid in the fifth grade. He tells enormous lies. He picks fights with girls. No one likes him—except Carla, the new school counselor. She thinks Bradley is sensitive and generous, and knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren’t afraid to try. But when you feel like the most-hated kid in the whole school, believing in yourself can be the hardest thing in the world. . . .


  1. OMG! I remember There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom from when I was a kid!!

  2. I'm so glad that the Choose an Operation Key Word Sort got your kids thinking! I also have Jen's Math Concept Posters, but haven't had a chance to use them yet (and we just finished week 6...or was it week 7?). I need to do some week in review posts like this!

    Upper Grades Are Awesome

  3. I feel your pain with all of the beginning of the year district expectations. The majority of my time is spent on non-teaching tasks. Hopefully you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I like the Choose the Operation keyword activity.

  4. I read both of Miller's books this summer. The Book Whisperer & Reading in the Wild! I'm creating a Reader's Notebook with my students as well! We are moving at a snail's pace though...very chatty group. I've spent two week on building classroom management and was FINALLY able to get through every lesson planned for Friday! Yay! Hopefully they will remember the expectations after the three day weekend.


  5. I love There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. I use it for one of my reading groups in my humor/realistic fiction unit. I hear you about coming home exhausted. There are so many "little odds and ends" that need to be completed at the beginning of the year. It definitely takes a while to get back in the swing of things.

    Fit to be Fourth

  6. Your lap book looks awesome! Social studies only twice a week? Wow. Hang in there!

  7. Thanks for the awesome sauce!! If I taught social studies, we'd make a lapbook for EVERY unit! I love social studies!
    :) erin

  8. We are starting that read-aloud next week! :) :)

  9. I am definitely "tardy to the party" because I have just now seen your new blog design which looks very clean and net - love it! So here's where I admit that I am "tardy" because I too have been barely able to keep my nose above water at school. I "just keep swimming". :)

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle


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